Where did you get your wisdom from?

In my humble opinion, it’s from everywhere. There. Such a simple answer and by that I could simply end this post, right here, right now.

But no, please, not that soon. :P

I just had a conversation earlier today. And there’s a little bit sharing about our sources, where we have learned from. This person told me that among all the things in life, he also gained his perspective from movies. I told him, believe it or not, sometimes I can get mine from comics. Yeah, those Japanese comics, which also called as manga. Some titles that I find pretty deep would be “The Duck of Mr Fredward”, and “For the Rose”. Those are only two among abundant titles of manga. Oh, and “Miriam” too… and.. I better stop here before I actually turn this one to a list of manga titles.

It’s actually not the type of the sources that matter. It’s what you get from them. Of how you see things, you see life, with added information and thought from the source of yours. It can also be from a song, from a videoclip, from an advertisement.. from political drama.., from theatre life, community life.. from books, from the sharings and conversations with your friends.. either directly and live, or via virtual media such as blogs (Lord knows how many great blogs are out here in www world!! And bless me, I unashamedly would claim that I’m very new to this blogsphere..), forums and all the web 2.0 media.. and certainly, from your own experiences..

But, what I think matter is, how can you process whatever that comes into your mind and learn something from it. Think. Give a thought.

As for what kind of wisdom I mean in this writing… I guess it’s far too wide and too deep for me to write here all at once.  But basically.. it’s about human relationship with each other, and relates to life in general as well, what’s the goals of your life, your needs and wants, and how you see life personally. Some other writing, hopefully. I’m gonna wrap up this short note now, because really, I don’t wanna make it much too long, not at this hour. Cheers, people..

*I should have said that we can learn from TV shows too, but since I don’t watch TV on regular basis, and I found that most of recent shows aren’t so…educative, so I skipped it from my list, for the time being, I hope.

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